Well folks, I totally have been having problems with my stomach and it has stunk! So last Sunday my tummy was hurting REALLY BAD! I made my wonderful husband Mark take me to the E.R. and they did some tests on me. It was a bummer because they kept me there for 6 hours,and gave me some drugs and then sent me on my way! Well that night I couldn't sleep so I went and saw a GI doctor, on Monday he went in and put a scope down my throat to see my stomach. Well come to find out I had to get LOTS of shots I am So SICK of needles it not even funny?! I had an ultra sound done and they found I had A LOT of gall stones. So Wed. night I went in to have them removed. The doc. said that I have had this problem for a LONG time, and she also discovered that I had a lot a scar tissue that had built up over time. I am so glad the pain is now gone, but there is a downside to it, I can't pick up Graycee for a week so that's really hard and sad that someone has to bring her to me! I am sure glad I have my mom around she has been a life saver. My sister in law Kami kept her for me awhile when I was in the hospital and now my mom has her for me! We are staying the weekend at my moms house because Mark had to go out of town. Once again MY mom is helping me outand has come to the rescue. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my MOM she is the BEST
Thank you so Much MOM!!
Annie- WHAT THE HECK? I am so sorry to hear about this. What a hard week and trial. Hang in there. I hope this all gets easier. Your mom is absolutely adorable-what an AWESOME help. Pleae know we are here to help too. No babies at my house right now and my kids love on them so we would LOVE it. I hope your recovery is fast. You're awesome-
Moms are great! I'm glad you are doing better and they figured out what the problem was.
Annie thanks for commenting on my blog. I love your blog. Your baby is darling!! You do have a wonderful mom. I have so many fun memories with your family.
I hope you are doing better today. If you need any help with Graycee just let me know.
How are you feeling? I need to see new pics by the way.
Annie..You look so beautiful! Your little Graycee is to die for! I am so happy to see that my favorite family in the world is doing so good. Trent has 6 kids?!! Holy crap, what a stud. Tell everyone hi for me..give Dusty a big ol hug from me. Love you Guys! Hooray for the blog world..now I can see how you are anytime.
graycee is so cute and yes and thank goodness for moms! i hope you start feeling better.
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